14-Almost there!

Congratulations, this is the end of the tutorial!

  • You will need your valid UW NetID and Password to register for an AV system passcode.
  • Once you complete the form linked below, your passcode will immediately be active in all the General Assignment classrooms around campus.
  • You’ll be asked to enter your surname, first name, office address, office phone and e-mail. If you don’t have your own office or a shared office, just use the address of your department. And we leave it to your discretion what number you leave for your office phone. Do list your University e-mail address or at the very least your primary e-mail address.
  • Also, you might’ve noticed this Lecture Capture button on some of the Touch Panel images in this tutorial. In rooms that have this ability, you’ll be able to make recordings for posterity or even do live streams for remote learners. So if you wanted to be able to record your lectures, exactly like the videos you’ve experienced in this tutorial, you’ll need to take a short lecture capture tutorial that is linked below the “register your passcode” link. Please don’t do the lecture capture tutorial, until you have your AV passcode.
  • If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to us via the classroom phone or our e-mail at av@fpm.wisc.edu or our non-emergency support line at 608-890-4900.
  • Thank you for your time and hope you enjoy teaching in our classrooms.

Click here to register for your passcode



Visit the link below only after procuring your AV Passcode Tutorial and if you’d like to record your lectures.

Lecture Capture Authorization Passcode Tutorial