This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Lecture Capture Classrooms
- Agricultural Engineering 101
- Agricultural Hall 125
- Animal Science 212
- Bardeen 140
- Bascom 272
- Biochemistry 1120
- Biochemistry 1125
- Birge 145
- Birge B302
- Computer Sciences 1221
- Computer Sciences 1325
- Education L150
- Education L185
- Education L196
- Educational Sciences 204
- Educational Sciences 228
- Humanities 1101
- Humanities 1111
- Humanities 1121
- Humanities 1131
- Humanities 1217
- Humanities 1221
- Humanities 1641
- Humanities 1651
- Humanities 2340
- Humanities 2650
- Humanities 3650
- Ingraham 19
- Ingraham 22
- Ingraham 120
- Ingraham B10
- Microbial Sceinces 1220
- Microbial Sciences 1420
- Microbial Sciences 1520
- Nancy Nicholas 1125
- Nancy Nicholas Hall 1135
- Nancy Nicholas 4235
- Noland 132
- Noland 168
- Plant Science 108
- Psychology 105
- Psychology 107
- Psychology 113
- Psychology 121
- Russell Labs 184
- Science Hall 180
- Social Science 5106
- Social Science 5206
- Social Science 5208
- Social Science 6104
- Social Science 6116
- Social Science 6210
- Soils 270
- Sterling 1310
- Sterling 1313
- Vilas 4028
- Van Hise 104
- Van Hise 114
- Van Vleck B102
- Van Vleck B130
- Van Vleck B239
Department Supported Classrooms
This accordion panel features classrooms that are run by other University Departments on campus. If you are scheduled to teach in these classrooms and need assistance, please reach out to the persons or websites listed below.
Chamberlin Hall
For rooms 2103, 2223 & 2241 contact Steve Narf at 262-3898
The Chemistry teaching spaces (S429, S413, B355, 1311, and 2311) are supported by the Chemistry Dept. Users should send their AV code and NetID to Rachel Bain for access.
Engineering Campus
The College of Engineering supports the media systems for classrooms on the Engineering campus. More information on their systems can be found at
Grainger Hall
“The Wisconsin School of Business supports the audio-visual systems for classrooms in Grainger Hall. More information on Grainger Hall classrooms and contact information for WSB ITS can be found at”
School of Medicine and Public Health
For Classroom and AV Support at Health Sciences Learning Center(HSLC), Clinical Science Center(CSC), Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research(WIMR) and UW Medical Foundation Centennial Building(MFCB), please visit this webpage for more information:
Classrooms that we support are listed below.
Agriculture Engineering
Supported Classrooms: 101
Agriculture Hall
Supported classrooms: 10, 125
Animal Sciences
Supported classrooms: 209, 212
Babcock Hall
Supported classrooms: 119, 121
Supported classrooms: 140
Bascom Hall
Supported classrooms: 272
Supported classrooms: 1116, 1120,
Birge Hall
Supported classrooms: B302, 145, 346
Chamberlin Hall
Supported classrooms: 2104, 2120
Computer Sciences & Statistics
Supported classrooms: 1221, 1257, 1263, 1325
Supported classrooms: L150, L151, L155, L159, L173, L177, L185, L196, 151, 345
Educational Sciences
Supported classrooms: 204, 212, 218, 228, 301, 304, 1053
Supported classrooms: 1101, 1111, 1121, 1131, 1217, 1221, 1641, 1651, 2251, 2261, 2340, 2637, 2650, 3650
Microbial Sciences
Supported classrooms: 1220, 1420, 1510, 1520
Moore Hall
Supported classrooms: 351
Nutritional Sciences
Supported classrooms: 290
Plant Sciences
Supported classrooms: 108