Remote Learning Tutorial-Sequence of Events

Here are the sequence of events to successfully conduct a class using Remote Learning:

 Each step will be gone over in more detail in the following pages.

At the Beginning of the Semester

  1. The instructor will schedule the class in their Outlook Calendar, selecting the classroom in the Location field and adding a Webex, Zoom or Teams component to the event. Moderators or co-instructors may be added to the Outlook invitation.
  2. The instructor will share the Remote Learning links with students via secure/private methods, such as the course’s Canvas site. Do not use Outlook to share the meeting information with students.

Just Before the Class

  1. The instructor or moderator will go to the classroom and log in and turn on the AV system, turn on microphones and use use the touch panel to select the projector video input and other preferences.
  2. The instructor or moderator will use the touch panel to select the Remote Learning option, then join the meeting.

During the Class

  1. The instructor will teach the class normally, making sure to use a microphone.
  2. The instructor or moderator can use the touch panel to turn on or off the remote video and audio, as needed to include remote viewers in the class. The layout of video windows for both the in-room students and remote viewers can be changed, or left as default.
  3. Having a moderator’s computer joined in the remote class is helpful, but not necessary. This can be used to access Remote Learning features not available on the touch panel.

At the End of the Class

  1. When the class is done, the instructor or moderator will use the touch panel to disconnect the classroom from the remote learning event.
  2. The moderator can end the remote learning event, or leave the event to expire at the scheduled time.
  3. The instructor or moderator will return the microphones to the charger and turn off the AV system, just like any other class.

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